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Quarry Hill Winery is located in the hills of Berlin

Heights, Ohio at 8403 Mason Rd. The winery has been

added to the “Lake Erie Shores and Islands Wine Trail”

(Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-a). They feature Ohio made

wine, including Vidal Ice Wine (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016 -d).


Quarry Hill Winery is open year round with extended

hours in the summer but hours vary by season

(Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-b). Be sure to check their

website before making the trip out! For those traveling

with others, the winery does not allow pets and it is

an Adult Only venue after 6pm (Quarry Hill Winery,

2016-b). Food and wine served until 9:30 on Fridays

and Saturdays, so get there early!  (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016 -b).


Quarry Hill Winery



Quarry Hill Winery. Home page. (2016 - a). Retrieved from


Quarry Hill Winery. Hours, Maps, Menu, Events & Contact. (2016 - b). Retrieved from


Quarry Hill Winery. (2017, September 7).  Apple Peak 2017. Retrieved from

Quarry Hill Winery. History. (2016 - c). Retrieved from


Quarry Hill Winery. Wines. (2016-d). Retrieved from


Poses A Studio. (n.d.). Image 4/12 [Photograph]. Retrieved from


In 1903 William Gammie Sr. was born (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). He immigrated with his family to America in the 1900s (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). During the Great Depression, he, his siblings, and his mother acquired a farm they named Gammie Brothers, which is now Quarry Hill Orchard (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). In 1931, they grew mostly vegetables (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). However, the elevation and soil made fruit easy to grow (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). In 1973 the farm was renamed Quarry Hill after the several quarries in the nearby area (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). The farm is operated by Bill Gammie, a descendant of the original owner (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016 -c). In 2005 Mac McLelland of Georgia began the process of opening a winery (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). He used vinifera varieties of grapes due to the climate found in the area (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). He named the winery Quarry Hill Winery because of the proximity to the farm (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c). The winery operates on the hill side, providing wine to locals and visitors alike (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-c).

The winery offers an array of light snacks to pair with their wine (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-b). They have the traditional cheese platter, hummus and other dips (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-b). They also offer sweeter things such as cheesecake (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-b). Wines available range from the typical white and red to ice wine and fruit wines, each can be paired with a menu item to enhance flavor (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-d).  For those interested in beverages other than wine, they offer martinis (Quarry Hill Winery, 2016-b).

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